Personal Pinned post
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Commodore U'Alladore
#HRLetUsPin: PLEASE USE! Please feel free to use this image (or make your own) then join the campaign to help get this needed feature by tagging with the hashtag: #HRLetUsPin and spreading it throughout your posts in the game
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Commodore U'Alladore
#HRLetUsPin: PLEASE USE! Please feel free to use this image (or make your own) then join the campaign to help get this needed feature by tagging with the hashtag: #HRLetUsPin and spreading it throughout your posts in the game
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Commodore U'Alladore
#HRLetUsPin: PLEASE USE! Please feel free to use this image (or make your own) then join the campaign to help get this needed feature by tagging with the hashtag: #HRLetUsPin and spreading it throughout your posts in the game
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Pin Post to Top of Profile
Angelica Christensen
It would be nice to pin a post to the top of my profile like selling or looking for post so I don’t have to keep reposting it to keep it at the top for people to see. I know several people who would love to see this!
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Dear Highrise, please let us pin our posts…like 3 posts or something so Important things like giveaways or whatever won‘t get lost.
Sincerely @iSeaweed
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Pin posts on our profile page
There should be a feature that allow us to pin multiple posts at the top of our profile page so that would be the first thing people see.
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The ability to “pin” a post to the top of profile feed
I’m sure many of us would want to be able to pin a price post, crew post, etc. to the top of our profiles. A lot of us are active everyday; so posts get buried.
Not sure if this has been said before but hey
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Pinning Posts
Arsyne on HR
Ability to pin posts that are important/so people don’t have to keep searching for them
Anton @ Highrise
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Commodore U'Alladore
Hail Mates!
#HRLetUsPin Campaign For Change
I am proposing that HR allow us the ability to 📌PIN📌 certain messages to the top of our Post Feed ....AND to "not" charge us for this feature!
You would be able stick a pin on certain post that would allow it to remain as the first post in your feed....or maybe even a few, like 5 to 10 posts at the top of your feed.
You could use these as advertisement post to explain how to contact you, or if you were trying to sell or find a certain item, or maybe you were wanting to advertise a contest for a week it would stay in the first post spot on your feed.
This should be a very easy thing to be able to implement as we already have posting ability... all it would take would be to click an action, the same as how they highlight certain items for sale that are in your storefront for 24 hours.... But this would have the ability to be on there as long as you want it to be, not just 24 hours it would stay in place as your first post in your feed until you change it. Sort of like a "Billboard" feature.
Its REALLY a needed feature....What do you say?
Please see my original post on my page @Swagger_Raj and use hashtag #HRLetUsPin
Gramercy for consideration!
This would be so helpful, definitely makes things better
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