Feature Requests

Bring back the old interface
Bring back the old game interface! It's very inconvenient to play, and your updates are completely incomprehensible. 1) Let's look at the first two photos below. In the first photo, we see our main profile, where there are two buttons: 1- "inventory" 2- "where we change the character's clothes". In the second photo, the same buttons are only at the beginning of the game, and not in the main profile. What was the point of duplicating these two buttons in different places and especially the character itself? 2) The photo shows a grab with things where we can get them for gold or a token. Why enlarge the picture of the grab with things to the full screen and put the end date on top, if it was once at the bottom? This is extremely inconvenient. It was better before. 3) Add interface change to the settings! I think you read comments every day from people about how they don't like the update. I ask you to listen to your audience, otherwise the game can go downhill. That's why I suggest adding interface change to the game settings: "old highrise interface" and "new highrise interface" maybe if people change the interface in the game to suit themselves, the game will become better? 4) Bring back the old player blocking! When I block a player, naturally his avatar became gray and his message in the chat is not visible, but if you go to this person's profile, it turns out that he is not blocked and his skin is not gray like on the avatar. He has a full skin, you can see the description and his showcase with posts. A long time ago we blocked players with whom we did not want to communicate and their profile was completely gray and they could not be found at all, and now it is unclear what. Bring back the old interface and the old game itself! It's uncomfortable and unbearable to play. Please, listen to your audience and accept what they want in the game, not just what you want.
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