Wishlist Feature & Visibility
There should be a way to heart items in the black market and save it to a private or public wishlist. This will allow players to go back to an item they have found before and buy it again or list it as an item they are in search of so other players know what you are looking for for trades. Also - MAKE THE BLACK MARKET PERMANENT!! It’s SOO convenient and we love it fr
Кристина Дешко
The game is just super, I’ve already been able to get used to it, but there is such a thing that in the event they give not very nice things and it sometimes infuriates you, please add more cool things and make it a task for gold (gold) because there is such a thing that people don’t have advertising and they they can’t earn gold, but everything is fine, I hope you can hear me 🙂�
K @ Highrise
We're working on making wishlist public or private based on users settings.
K @ Highrise
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Wishlist visibility
Aliyah ღ
Make the option to change the wishlist from private, public, and friends only (can be seen on profile). Another good feature to add to this would be to add that when you are trading with someone you can tell if an item you have is one of their wish items. This will make trading between users much easier, finding gifts for people easier, and giveaways easier!
K @ Highrise
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A wishlist on ppl's account
ItzSmiley _Plays
We could add that so if someone wants to have a special item they could add it there and people could give it to them or trade them so they can have it
K @ Highrise
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Wishlist tab
Jasmine Lininger
A wishlist tab would be good so people can like see your wishlist and you can add items into it ? :)
K @ Highrise
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Wishlist tab
A wishlist tab would be a great way to speed up trading and keep track of the items we really want!
athy doll
to add to this also removing the limit of items you can wishlist !!
Rhonda Wallin
A switch from private to public would be great!
Yes! Allow the wishlist to be switched from private to public! It would be way cooler to gift a friend from something on their wishlist!
это интересная идея, хотелось бы такую вкладку!
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