Sadly this game is pay to won😢
Johnny Alicea
Hi im a person who love this game and i got feeing very sad about the new eggs pets because i spent 20k and nothing happend with egg and my rank go down because other people pay real money to beat the event and is hard the way high rise put the eggs this game is pay to win i noticed now and i feel very depressed because i spent everything i had and i was exited about the new pets eggs but i see i got to pay like 300$ to get a egg because the game is pay to win and im a person who cannot spent 300$ on the game this time high rise dont think bout low income resorces players why they not put a grab like last year very sad 🙏
Jackie E.
We are here to Play - Not to Pay!
Sharing is Caring so let us Trade!
Making the game Pay to Win =
Putting it into the Garbage Bin❗
Erin <3
The egg chances in grabs are minimal to non existent. But it's gets even worse, the one you could get for swap tokens would be AT LEAST 1k USD 💀 like wtf⁉️ I wanted an egg too but I'm not gonna spend $1000 on a pet in an online game 💀💀