Allow for Multiple Paragraphs and Indents in HighRise Messages
Riley Wood
In HighRise 3.0 we had the ability to copy and paste from our notes into HighRise messages. This would keep the formatting of that message (IE: If there was a space in between two paragraphs) In 4.0, when you copy and paste, it comes over as one big block.
I would love to be able to format my messages to people again in a future update, it gives messages a much cleaner look to them instead of one big blob of text.
K @ Highrise
Tanmay Sarkar
Age 13
Ian @Highrise
in progress
Ian @Highrise is the addition of supporting markdown possible as well?
Anton @ Highrise
Riley Wood
Posted an example of a before 4.0 and an after 4.0