Highrise has a lot of potential being a much better game and keeping their main player base in. The thing is however, the game doesn't really offer much apart from events and building rooms which can get boring over time.
I remember back in 2016, highrise had minigames such as dots, connect 4, and even fishing too. In 2018, highrise introduced 2 new games to their beta servers which I believe really connected people together in a positive way.
I believe bringing back minigames to Highrise can really keep the players engaged and continue playing the game for a longer period of time rather than quitting. It would be great to see the games such as wolf make a come back, along with a few other games too to keep players invested on highrise. I've seen how minigames benefitted the player base in the past and help create long lasting friendships, it'd be great to see that once again.