Stop putting account bound items in events
Stop making only account bound items in packs, events etc!
Let free players enjoy the game too.
What's the point of having a trade option in this game if you can't use it?
I understand that games are made for profit, but it's too much that everything that looks good in this game is account bound and paid.
Anton @ Highrise
Event rewards have been reverted to the old way as of last event! Thank you all for the feedback :)
Anton @ Highrise
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Game developers, I apologize profusely, but what are you thinking? Do you think that we won't guess that you specifically made the most terrible events with items tied to the account so that we would donate a lot to the game for gold and leveling up for events that gives us nothing!!
I appeal to all developers.
1) bring back the old NORMAL LEVELING up to the game for events. Do you think that we will be able to achieve our goal and pass the event in a grab with items that have a leveling of 0.2x? You are deeply mistaken.
2) bring back old places from 10k.
3) bring back tokens for grabs from 10k place for the event.
4) stop making events with things tied to the account, we can't earn gold and there is no benefit from this. That's why you donate little to the game after all the updates and people leave the game in droves.
5) first fix the bugs, then make updates, and listen to the community of your game!! We love your game as much as possible, but you bring it to terrible consequences.
6) why when people are banned they can't get their account back? write the reason why!! what did the person do to be blocked? If he did something, then a small explanation like "you broke the rules of the game", and you don't even specify what rules exactly and this is very offensive.
we see and notice everything. LISTEN TO US ALREADY PLEASE!! We are tired of constantly writing to you so that you listen to us. I don't think that after such updates people will want to donate.
Anton @ Highrise
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terrible events with items tied to the account
Remove account bound items in events! How do you think players should level up with them? Most of them don't have ads; you can't earn gold with items attached and without ads. How are newbies supposed to level up if you're literally killing the game? We want event items to no longer be account bound, and even if there's an epic or one legendary item at the end, that's better than account bound items.
Anton @ Highrise
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Abiha Azhar
HIGHRISE.... non of your players like the items account bound.. who gave you the idea to do that??? Its so ridiculous and no one likes it.. its makes everything so not fun everything.. we need the items to not to be account bound.. if this keeps happening i might just quit 😐.
Anton @ Highrise
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Making the items un-tradeable defeats the whole purpose of the game! This is just a way to get players to spend real money on the game and then they can't make any gold back from the event. It's extremely greedy and disrespectful to players. If I was a new player and saw that I'd missed an event and cound never get those items I would be discouraged from playing the game. The best part of the game is collecting and the amount of items I will never be able to get because they're account bound is getting too large. ALL EVENT ITEMS SHOULD BE TRADEABLE AFTER THE EVENT!
Anton @ Highrise
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valerie fugere
You are discouraging new players from enjoying the app and potentially PAYING in the future. This will increase the amount of excessive begging new players already do. We can no longer direct them to the event to earn prizes they can sell.
If I can't reach a prize I can no longer buy this item (I'm a paying customer). This is really unfair. I will live without the items - I will not pay $400 to reach an account bound item. If I decide later I no longer want this item I will receive 20 bubbles in return.
Anton @ Highrise
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It is totally unacceptable and quite disgusting that highrise thinks they can screw over paying players by making event items acct bound. This needs to end immediately and the rewards from this event made tradable.
Anton @ Highrise
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No Account Bound Rewards (and other grievances)
Jackie E.
This is the second event in which the tier rewards are account bound. In both cases I am against this, because it undermines our trading/barter system (an essential component of HighRise). If only a small percentage of players can win the Judge and Crew rewards (the only non-account bound rewards), then the majority of players walk away with nothing they can trade.
The token meter was removed AND the boost was changed from 1 token to 10 required. This drastically reduced everyone’s free boosts. This means that the only way players could win all of the tier rewards, is if they PAY or SPIN for boost. This makes the fashion event a pay to play. Before the change, fashion was finally doable. Now all of that progress has been undone.
Finally, all of the tier rewards were player designed. Since they’re account bound, these items may gather dust on accounts that don’t want them, instead of being traded to the players that do want to use these items. This means that the player designers will not get to see their items fully appreciated. This is a shame.
I also noticed that judging was a lot harder this event, it was almost impossible to keep up with streaks. Someone said all the models auras were removed mid event- if this is true, then judging was negatively impacted for all players during the event- and which means all of our scores were severely reduced.
Overall, making rewards account bound has been an unabashed attempt at forcing players to pay to win. Paying should be a choice for bonus content and extra goodies. We shouldn’t have to pay on top up EVENTING EVERY HOUR to earn more than 5 items. Our effort should be dually rewarded, and the items we win should be ours to trade with the community as we wish.
Please be kind to the community, do not squeeze us dry. I will leave the game if this continues .
Anton @ Highrise
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Remove Acct Bound for Events & Packs
AJ von Corsa
Part of the fun, of the spirit of the game, are the community & the trading aspects. The acct bound items from token spins I understand. The acct bound items from Daily Quests I also understand. But now with SO MANY, the sheer volume of acct bound items in the game now makes it so you can't even view someone's fit & have a viable way to attain the items they're wearing anymore. I viewed someone's fit last night & every single item was acct bound. You are killing the spirit of the game by making event items & packs be acct bound. Please lift the restrictions.
Anton @ Highrise
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No event account bounds items
Itz_ M
Stop making these new items acc bounds. We alrd said we dont like them the first event yall started doing it.
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